Monday, May 31, 2010

Goodbye Anorexia!! Ciao Bulimia...

For the first time in several days, I have had an appetite. Its nice to eat a full meal and not feel like immediately vomitting up your kofte or being able to travel the city without being worried of shitting yourself. I wish I could describe my exult but I just cannot put it into words. I truly felt I would never heal; that I would have to continue my travels with this horrible feeling. But here I am. Peachy (mmm peaches). Much more conscious of the things I consume, and definately brushing my teeth with bottled water! I do not know exactly how many hours I spent boiling, and reboiling, then cooling gallons of water for both drinking and brushing my teeth. Countless. Then still, while enjoying a glass of icewater, researching and questioning this method. In the past couple of days, I have met fellow travelers whom have experienced my same symptoms and have told me I did not contract Cholera. That this was entirely normal! Ah, I am at peace. I will not die after all. I may go on now enjoying all the Turkish delights (not the candy yuck) and may consider giving Turkish coffee another shot (when I first got here, I had to quit tore up my stomach ) In fact, I feel as though I am becoming Turkish...not truly but as though I am an honorary Turk. If only I can learn to stomach Raki! I am working on blending better, practicing my Turkish, asking for directions less. The experience is gradually becoming more natural! I love it here! It is much less difficult! In fact, I think it may be a little hard to adjust back to American life. I know I will be changed and I am looking forward to see just what that change will have done to me!

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